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ShotGrid; Overview


At first glance our overview page follows the standard layout, the one change I made was adjusting the navigation bar to fit our project's needs. A few to make note of are...


Review: For quick and easy access of our playlist for class dailies.

People: To see only  those who are a part of this project

Project Overview: I placed a few widgets in here to countdown to our Proof of Concept Deadline and a graph that displays the status of all assets.



I designed this page so that it would be as accessible to artists as possible as the goal of this page is for the artist to know their schedule.


Few notable features:

Design Page feature

Conditional formatting (rows turn dark green when status final)

Summary (percentage of final assets)

Phases (Start-end of quarters and breaks)



I designed this page layout so I could make more use out of the space on the assets page. 


Highlighting pipeline steps and their current status being the most major addition. Additionally I have the overall start and end date of assets.


Once again, in this section you can see the phases as this assets production timeline stretches across several quarters.


Downstream Dependencies: This helps not only with scheduling but giving a great visual of how crucial it is for tasks to be completed in a timely manner.

Sequence Page


For sequences, I went and heavily customized the page to make it as easy to understand as possible.


All thumbnails are the color keys which will help us get a grasp on what the final look of each shot will be, once compositing is complete then the thumbnail will be replaced by a composited image.


The status is set to in progress once it has been started in a 3D environment (when the layout has begun). 


My favorite custom feature of this page is the pipeline step status. This is excellent for quick access to what the statuses are regarding certain shots. Additionally, they are in a rainbow order to help be easier to read.

Task Template

Shot Task Template

To help make things quick and easy on my end, I created a template for all the possible tasks a shot could require.

Shot Page


This is what the shot template looks like in action. There is a clear understanding of what quarters certain steps of the pipeline will be complete, and if one due date is pushed, it's downstream dependencies start dates will automatically be pushed.

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